How to Make an Awesome Impression on Your First Day at a Temp Job

May 23, 2023

A temporary job won’t last forever, so it’s not important to pull out all of the stops to make an impression. Right?


In fact, a temporary job in the care industry can lead to many other opportunities, providing you present yourself in a professional manner and do a good job.

Communication coach and author, David Parnell, says:

“it’s easy, even tempting, to passively ride along with the human resources tour that usually sets off the first day of employment. There will be forms to fill out, videos to watch, people to meet, and generally speaking, no real position-specific responsibilities”.

“But taking a passive versus proactive response would be a mistake. The first day sets the tone for the rest of your career with those who you’ll be interacting with.”

With this in mind, it’s essential that you exceed expectations and get off on the right foot on your first day at your new temporary position.

To give you a few ideas on how to achieve this, we’ve assembled our very best top tips.

(You can thank us later!)

Smile, smile and smile some more

A smile can go a long way on your first day of work, so get ready to do it a lot.

You’ll have so many people to meet, you’ll feel like tour guide Barbie by the end of the day!

Take note

While this tip is better for office-based jobs, it can still come in handy within the care industry as well.

Remembering names can really mean a lot to people and show your new colleagues that you were engaged and interested in what they had to say for themselves.

So when you get introduced to someone, don’t be afraid to make a few notes on their physical appearance, location and interests.

Literally, any piece of information to accompany a name will help trigger your mind the following day.

After all, there’s always a lot to take in on the first day of a new job.

However, it’s worth doing this inconspicuously, as it could come across like you’re interviewing someone if you sit there with a notepad and pen.

Be proactive

First impressions can come in all forms, but being labelled a proactive or ‘busy’ person is actually a positive.

Instead of waiting for people to tell you what to do, go and offer a hand where you can.

Your new manager will like the fact that you’re eager to get started and willing to put yourself out there on your very first day.

It demonstrates that you’re not just turning up to your new care job just to pick up your wage slip.

Make an effort with your colleagues

Once you’ve been there for a couple of hours, use any opportunity to get to know your other colleagues – especially permanent members.

This way, they can vouch for you when it comes to offering more hours further down the line.

The key here is to ask about them and don’t focus too much on yourself.

While you want to reveal some information about yourself, the first day is about getting to grips with the people around you.

Find a common interest and play on that.

However, you should also try to avoid being seen as a “try-hard”.

Be polite and conversational, but also remember to be professional – you have to find a balance.

Do a bit of overtime

It always looks good to turn up early and leave a little later on your first day – providing your manager hasn’t told you to go home.

You’ll show that you’re willing to learn and invest time in this temporary position.

Although, it’s also worth remembering not to come across like a ‘know it all’. Preaching about what you did in your last job or doing other jobs which don’t concern you can have a negative impact.

Bring in sweet treats

This one all depends on the type of people you’re working with.

Although bringing in a pack of nice biscuits, chocolates or cakes is always going to go down a storm during tea breaks.

Or if you’re conscious about diets and allergies, just stick to a box of Tea Pigs.

Never turn down lunch

As you don’t know the eating situation at your work, pack some food just in case. However, if your team are going out to pick some food up, never turn down an opportunity to get involved.

You can use this time to get to know your colleagues and bond with them in a more relaxed environment.

If you’re a single carer on your own, you could always use this chance to sit down with your patient to get to know them more – providing it’s allowed.

Final thoughts

So there you have it – some quick tips on how to make a stellar impression on your first day in a temporary job.

The most important thing to remember is to be yourself and try to enjoy it.

Demonstrating a high-level of enthusiasm and positive energy will put you on the right path towards success.

Good luck!

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